Doral Place 87 Celebrates Official Groundbreaking
Doral Place 87 celebrated its official groundbreaking and shovel ceremony, providing a glimpse of a new retail space property that will be added to the Doral landscape. The $30 million dollar project is expected to be completed in June of 2022. Present at the ceremony were City of Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez, Vice Mayor Pete Cabrera, Councilwoman Claudia Mariaca, Councilman Oscar Puig-Corve, and Economic Developer Manuel Pila.
Doral Place 87 is owned by Doral 87 Group LLC managed by Hector Duer, Pablo Szprynger and Myrian Goldsmith of DGS Group.
The project is designed by MODIS architects, Ballbe & Associates handled the engineering work and Camcon Group will oversee the construction. The Padron Group are the owners’ representatives and are handling all the coordination and logistics. Arthur Shifrin and Mickey Finkle of Koniver Stern Group are the exclusive brokers of the plaza.
Doral Place 87 is a four-building shopping center. The planned design includes 46,800